Motor Boat Kits

Cocktail Class Racer wooden outboard motor boat

Cocktail Class Racer

A nifty 8-foot wooden outboard racing boat.

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Plans or kit for a wooden motor boat or canoe from Fyne Boat Kits

Little Laker

A 14′ 6″ motor canoe built on a frame.

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The light but sturdy Peeler motor skiff with the optional centre console

Peeler Skiff

A light but sturdy 15-foot flat-bottomed motor skiff with an optional centre console.

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A home-built electric motor canoe - the Quick Canoe Electric

Quick Canoe Electric

A slender and lightweight electric motor canoe that is very simple and quick to build.

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Rhode Runner - a modern kit-built wooden motorboat in the style of a classic 1950s runabout

Rhode Runner

A modern kit-built wooden motorboat in the style of a classic 1950s runabout, for up to four adults.

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Southwester Dory sailing boat

Southwester Dory

A lightweight beach cruising and expedition boat for sailing, rowing and motoring, which can also be built as a motor launch without the sailing rig.

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Tenderly is a traditional-looking clinker sailing dinghy that is stable and easy to build

Tenderly Dinghy

A traditional-looking 10-foot clinker dinghy for rowing, sailing and motoring that is stable, handsome and easy to build.

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The Workstar 17 is a small garvey motorboat designed as a workboat, rescue boat or fishing boat

Workstar 17

A small garvey motorboat with the strength and capacity needed for a workboat, rescue boat or fishing boat. It is robust, stable and easy to build.

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